Many of us are increasingly conscious about what is in the food we eat. Whether it be due to wanting to lose weight, not wanting our families to consume harmful chemicals, or just generally trying to ensure a healthy lifestyle, this change is becoming more and more apparent.
But why stop there? Many of us use a wide variety of lotions and potions on our skin every day. From cleansing products to skin care, from make up to moisturisers – but have you ever stopped to really look at what is in these products and think about the affect it is having on our bodies?
Whilst we are fully aware that anything we eat or drink is absorbed by the body –be it good for us or not – but did you know that the skin, the largest organ of the human body, absorbs as much as 60% of the chemicals it comes into contact with!? By using natural and organic products we can drastically reduce the amount of chemicals we absorb and benefit from an enormous range of natural products, many of which have been used effectively for hundreds of years.
We absorb more than enough toxins in our normal everyday life... ensuring that we use natural alternatives for our skin and health care whenever possible will give our body the tools it needs to eliminate these toxins and keep us healthy for longer!
There is now a huge range of natural skin care and health related products available – and the best resource for this is of course... Online!
It can be difficult (if not a bit of a mine field!) to work out which products are good for us, just because a product is listed as ‘Natural’ does not mean that all the ingredients are – in fact, in order to label a product Natural, only 1% of the ingredients actually have to be so.
By researching products online you have quick and easy access to loads of products without trawling round the shops. Not only does this allow you to look for the best prices, but you can choose from websites that ensure they list all the ingredients of their products – not just a line or two to let you know all the good points about the product. Do check the ingredients; some websites are so transparent that they will even provide an image of the box to clearly show the true ingredients list – perfect!
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